

Introducing Doble Fried, an animated TV pilot written and illustrated by Matt Furie. In a degen world of dating, turds, porn and alien egg birthing, this wild and crazy one episode gem is Matt's finest work to date.

Watch Matt's TV Pilot

Degen programming at its finest

The Characters

A bunch of wild, degens



This breakdancing dog is always down to party and willing to go the extra mile for his pals and to win over Babygirl.


20% Matt Furie

20% Treasury

20% CEX Wallet

LP Burned

Contract renounced

Taxes 0/0



A dumpster-diving horned up frog who loves porn and has a special affinity for garbage. He is Mudbone's BFF and head over heels for Skinky.


15% Matt Furie

15% Treasury

15% CEX Wallet

LP Burned

Contract renounced

Taxes 0/0



This classy, dignified and pure hearted anteater, has hopes of finding a committed man.


20% Matt Furie

20% Treasury

20% CEX Wallet

LP Burned

Contract renounced

Taxes 0/0



The loud spoken no-nonsense dragon who will kick your ass or be the egg-mother of your children. Don't mess with her.


20% Matt Furie

20% Treasury

20% CEX Wallet

LP Burned

Contract renounced

Taxes 0/0



A talking turd who is full of wisdom and great advice. Consider him like the Yoda of the group, but also a literal piece of shit.


20% Matt Furie

20% Treasury

20% CEX Wallet

LP Burned

Contract renounced

Taxes 0/0

Apply for CTO




This special token celebrates the behind-the-scenes work of Matt Furie's animated pilot. Mudbone (later named Fleabone) is an original sketch that helped Matt formulate the character that would eventually star in this series.

20% Matt Furie

20% Treasury

20% CEX Wallet

LP Burned

Contract renounced

Taxes 0/0

A Degen Universe

You’ve seen Matt Furie’s lovable Boy’s Club characters. Now it’s time to take a twisted turn into the remote Doble Fried crevices of his brain.

Supporting Matt’s Vision

15-20% of the token supply has been sent to Matt as a tribute, and to help empower and inspire him to reboot Doble Fried.

Diamond Paws

We believe in the longevity of this project and are not planning to sell! This is a major narrative and long term HODL.


From Matt's book, Mind Viscosity


We are honored to be the caretakers of the tokens for this unique Matt Furie animated pilot. Matt Furie's art has resonated deeply with the broader crypto community, and we believe everyone will be thrilled by what they are about to experience.

Our goal is to bring more attention to this pilot and shift the narrative from a "failure" (as Matt described it) to a new, beloved universe for the community to enjoy and share. As a gesture of support, 15-20% of these tokens go to Matt Furie's wallet, functioning like a virtual GoFundMe campaign to encourage him to continue this series.

We are incredibly grateful for your presence and can't wait to dive into this exciting new Furie-verse together!

How to Buy Tokens on Uniswap

Download Uniswap Wallet

Download Uniswap wallet on your phone.

Send ETH to Wallet

Send Ethereum to your Uniswap wallet's Ethereum address. Do this by copying your uniswap address and sending to that address.  

Paste token address and swap ETH for Token

In the buy section of your uniswap wallet, paste the contract address of the token you wish to buy. Put in the amount of ETH you want to spend to buy the token. Hit SWAP.

NOTE: Make sure you have enough ETH in your wallet for gas money!

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